Thursday 2 May 2019

todays work and what I need to do next.

Today I did this drawing and I spoke to Alan he said it looks it shows the project coming together with both of the character's and said how it looks like a poster so I should use this drawing to help me get better at line drawing on photoshop and illustrator and then put the painted shades in etc and how I need thin and thick lines and match the drawing as much as possible and not lose the charm and think about where the line would start in terms of the thickness is it in the middle, edge etc? after this I would be more ready to then go onto the orthographs. Also he said about doing a font and recreating this picture with the 3d model's later down the line.

I have been trying to create a font that has both the title and the style of my characters with the curved lines and straight lines I also looked at some examples of fonts in the genre and of both buzz and 40k and noticed the strong capital words the slant...then Alan said about how I need to show the fonts meaning/purpose through the font more so how I could get this idea of infinity so the lines are going off of the page..I also need to think about what I can have in the background and the composition in the meantime for example if I have rockets or planets in the background/logo where should I put them and what will get eyeline following etc not too chaotic etc.. this was what I started to come up with. The planet may be too generic but it was just an idea for now that kinda makes sense for both worlds but it could change. 

I also did a few drawings to look at the specs I put in the animatic and drew the cake toppers.

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