Sunday 14 April 2019

Thick outline@Alan

now I am just missing a scanned in drawing of side view to orthograph. Im working on the front Older me character now.

I think it would help to do the drills when I have time also because the one I don't understand yet is the thin to thick line.
However I think for this I would like it like this. then repeat for the other orphos.
oh and also erased the curve ends that looked more messy.
I was also thinking earlier that my backgrounds/image planes could be done in this way?


  1. So there are few things to take away from what you've learnt from this and by drawing with pencil. Firstly, you need to start with a pencil and paper. You draw much better and faster using that method. You are capable of 'inking' drawing in Illustrator/Photoshop and can be even better at it with practice. Finally, use whatever method that is going to get you to a good design and remove/deal with anything that is stopping you - such as drawing in Photoshop etc. One piece of feedback that you should consider is that in inking drawings (such as this post) it is possible to lose the charm, energy, and shapes of your original sketch. To a degree, you have done that. Take a look at your original sketch and compare it to your inked version, it is perhaps a little less structured (softer/rounded and less defined shapes etc).

    Note: Add pupils so that you have an iris and a pupil in the eye. Having white open circles makes a character look a little strange.

  2. Also - I'd recommend working in the Uni this week to get more help and advice and so that you don't go 'off track' when working on your own.

    1. ok. yes I plan on coming in tomorrow Wednesday and Thursday

    2. couldn't afford to come in today :[ I wanted to though

