Monday 14 January 2019

Character Bible


  1. Georgia - Is there a Toolkit 2 Submission on your blog? The deadline was today (14th Jan) by 8pm.

    1. Ok, i got confused with how it was suppose to be honestly, but I looked at some others and did it,I thought it just meant we needed the character design and everything on our blogs for T2.

  2. Hi Georgia - See link below

  3. Georgia Betteridge -

    I think your design bible feels somewhat undeveloped. Your central character Spy Red has some potential with some animated expressions, but these need expanding upon. Coupled with the lack of gesture sheets and undeveloped storyboard, the personality or function of the character remains unclear. Having discussed the story and character in some depth during this project, it is disappointing that these ideas have not been fully realised. You may describe her as sleek and agile, but we really need to see these qualities. Gestures and expressions can tell far more than words so you really need to show Spy Red in action.

    The unnamed antagonist is barely developed, with an inconsistent silhouette and uninspiring final design. As a henchman, his role should be to reflect the main villain and offer a suitable challenge to the hero but without expression or gestures sheets, he is resigned to a rather a rather one-dimensional and cliched thug. The basic storyboard also

    Overall then, I feel you have failed to bring this project to life. Clearly you have given some thought to your world but those ideas have not been pushed. Your characters need more expressions and gestures, your storyboards need to be tell a clearer narrative, and your environments and props need to illustrate your setting and theme far stronger. I would suggest that you continue to develop this project to do it justice. - Justin

