Saturday 28 October 2017

What If Metropolis? @Phil

Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated.
So I started thinking about the fact that the city needs rotation,orbit,trying to think bigger and the city/citys being off the ground.. balance ( influences of Calder he looked at the circus when he did wire sculptures and I took inspiration from his shapes too. ) not trying to define too much here in terms of the buildings..just where things are or what it could be like. . I was thinking about getting influence from 2001 A space odyssey/The Jetsons or the 1970s  if I found it hard for ideas..and looking at calder more. I was also thinking about trying to draw in my sketchbook and then paint with assets like before..


  1. I like this thumbnail, very strong - I think maybe you need to embrace the 'fun' of this potential city (I like the Jetsons reference) - you also might want to explore the reference in this review of Calder's work relating to 'atomic age' art - as this would tie in with your Jetsons observation. Yes, I think there is fun to be had here - and fantasy :)


  2. sorry - here's the reference:

    1. Ok, thank you I will look into that more specifically :]

