Monday 5 November 2018

Definitions,Postmodernism and Moulin Rouge and Perlin Noise.

Phallocentrism-is a term first used by Freudian psychoanalyst Ernest Jones c. 1927 to focus his disagreement with Freud's theory of female sexual identity as being marked by the lack of phallus. For example Females deprived of positive senses towards their own sexual organs. Jones saw this as an unconscious projection by male psychoanalysis of their own neurotic fears about the female body. Freud's obsession with the phallus and its lack and was charged with phallocentrism by female critics.

Eurocentricism- This is also known as Eurocentricity or Western-Centrism. This is a worldview centred on and biased towards Western civilisation. Especially during The Cold War.

Postcolonialism- Is the academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism. This focuses on the human consequences of the control and exploitation of the colonised people and their lands.

Multiculturalism- The Presence of or the support of several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society. They all have equal rights and opportunities so no one is ignored or seen as unimportant.

The canon- is a general law,rule,principle, or criterion by which something is judged. for example in society their could be a list of texts that are seen as important or acceptable compared to another text.

Feminism- Female rights and liberation on the ground of equality of the sexes.

DWEM's- Dead White European Male.

5 Reasons why Moulin Rouge! is postmodern:

1.It is a Romantic Pastiche Jukebox. Including various artists of the last century which are cultural references but are used in a way which fits into the narrative as a mash up.
2.Postmodern for the Genre.
3.Black Humour and Irony.
4. It uses Intertextuality.
5. It uses Appropriation.

( I also learnt that when doing our essays to try not to repeat in our structures also to send our paragraphs and what we are focusing on to Phil and check the essay example. To start of with a broad big understanding of or topic and then get more and more specific to where in the text it s relevant etc..) 

On a side note not sure of its importance at the moment but i learnt about Perlin Noise which is procedural content generation. This can be used in code like binary or even animation It is a two layer which s made by going between and combining two sets of random points. Once this has been made you can change frequency and intensity o each layer while Maya for example plays the animation. Its also used in games and films it is a powerful algorithm. 

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