Wednesday, 6 November 2019

torso lower torso breastplate@Alan

 I have been making the torso lower half I then duplicated it just incase and carried it on to do the upper torso. The reason I did this is because the breastplate and lower stomach are separate so I have three pieces. 1. a lower piece. 2. a piece which is lower and upper torso incase this is wrong. and 3. a piece that could just be the upper piece breastplate.
I then got the lower piece and upper piece and put them together at the moment to see what it looked like.
I followed the orthograph to get the shape and this is what I have? I think theres pieces to delete, the collar bit and the sleeve I just didn't want to delete too much by accident.
 Is this sort of what you mean? if not I do have the previous parts..?


  1. Better, but you have accidentally merged the vertices in the centre/neck on the breast plate. You have triangles - See first image.

    1. ok I try re mirror the breastplate without it doing that.

