I think the buzz toppers are going to need a rig. Spine. So that the bored business one can be hunched over and the buzz one can flex energetically. I don't think the rest need it as they are just going to be there still.
Saturday, 29 February 2020
Friday, 28 February 2020
Boring Adult Work Buzz texture.
(I've done some recordings of this and put in premiere and picked what I think sounds the best in terms of emotion and crispness. It comes to 56 seconds.)
I need to re-draw and put the narration with the pictures(storyboard re-drawn)
at the moment I'm texturing the toppers.
I want the boring adult buzz to contrast with the happy one as that is going to wizz past this one.
Monday, 24 February 2020
texturing the toppers
added some text to the buzz outfit and added expression of acting like buzz with the eyebrow lift and text like lightyear and space ranger. I added a flower in the brides hair which I think looks good and is starting to match the groom and give it more detail. Ive made it look like the bride and groom are looking at each other and me as buzz is staring more direct which gets your attention. I feel like this is giving it more character and expression.
texturing the toppers faces and cleaning things up
hopefully this is looking cuter and closer to my style, I made the back pieces on the buzz costume less pointy. Made the straps on the buzz costume more curved. done the faces positioned the features. Now I want to add some more detail to the brides dress, hair want something pink or grey.....then I'm gunna move on to how I can texture the cake., the balloons being shader or texture in same shade of pink. and then the paint pot I need other colours. etc.
Been working on the cake toppers
started the brides dress and hair texture and done the grooms face. I need to do the other two faces., then I need to make the buzz costume better where I think it needs improving and add some more detail to bride needs pink flower etc.
Saturday, 22 February 2020
cake toppers done texture of groom outfit
next I will do the bride outfit then give them all the skin on the face and the hair and face I think that will be the hardest part.
I've gone for black grey white and pink so I'm going to have to match this with the cake being cream, white,pink? and same withe the bride and balloons pink.
Friday, 21 February 2020
Script work, UV/started texturing 1 of 3 cake toppers.
going to be sending Alan the script when I have done another 3 lines two for the joys of the painting...
and more about being through the eyes of the character.
I've also been texturing the buzz character (there's a way to keep it in without it being a full on character.)which will have my characters face on and I'm going to do the bride and groom textured on the cake topper shapes also over the weekend. then I only have the bolter the balloons and the cake. and some more variations of paint pots?
Monday, 10 February 2020
Been Texturing the Characters Base to look like a terrain
thought it would be a good idea to make the base less boring and try the brushes on photoshop for the texture.
Just focusing on UV/texturing things and working on script.
Friday, 7 February 2020
Been working on the props/shaders/texture
I like how the paint pot is going I think I need to make the lid bit more transparent. The paint is a separate object inside. The label was done on photoshop and I used fonts then I tried to use the brushes and erasing parts to get the wearer affect on the citadel part and also tools to add more shapes I needed. Then I did the red part that goes around. etc. the hyper shade was the Arnold method with two mixed shader for the plastic/see-through. one was the logo in black and the other in colour and flattened images on their own these were the textures. ( Alan showed me )
The dice are just shaders. I selected the pips by selecting four faces on every side and I grew the selection and g automatically increases the amount it grows the selection again. (Emily showed me was helpful.)
The brush I tried to get metalness and a shine on the brush handle and the end of the brush I have textured to be cartoony like my characters hair.
Recently I modelled a character base. So my character can look like it is a miniature.
Everything is going to be more like a real life scale now as I think if its like that it will make more sense so a small miniature and the size of the brush and pot and everything the right kinda size in comparison because I'm extracting the Buzz part out so it doesn't make sense the sizes I was going for a toy story aesthetic before where everything was huge.
Character Rigging controls were completed etc.(last Friday)
I made the next control and parented what I needed for the head to move with the the eye controls. The spine was done. The arms and hands and thumb were done. and I made the control for the whole character the circle underneath then I coloured the controls and they're all in the organised groups.
Next is the weights.
Red is for no painting green is for painting.
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