Core Premise: Ethel and Ernest focuses on the progression from 1928 to 1971 which is the meeting and death of Briggs's parents. Ethel is the housemaid and then later becomes a clerk for the second world war and Ernest is a milkman with social and economic ideas and is very interested in technology. And the son Raymond living here. There is also shown the Great Depression and arrivals of things such as television.
Animation: Ethel and Ernest is a graphic novel and an animated film and is subtitled a true story. The animation was hand drawn.
Reception:The animation is a biographical one and was received very well and was Broadcasted on BBC One.
Author: The author is an author and illustrator called Raymond Briggs. And the animation director is called Roger Mainwood.

Fig2. Behind the Scenes.
Over 100 animators worked on this ten year project. Roughly 12 drawings equate to a second of film. So there was 61,200 drawings.They used vowel sheets which give a framework to the animators which helped keep the style the same throughout. The animator's also had to talk to Briggs's regularly to get the characters as realistic as possible. The animators used Tv paint and this was the first to be animated in comparison to the other films like The Snowman which were done on paper.

Fig3. Behind the Scenes.
The bar underneath is the vowel sounds so they can match up to what is on screen. Although the characters were animated digitally the backdrop locations were scanned in and were done in pencil and ink and paint.
Raymond Brigg's was in tears and was addicted to it as it was like having his parents be brought back to life.
Anon, (2019). [image] Available at:
Gill, J. (2019). Behind the scenes of Ethel & Ernest. [online] Radio Times. Available at:
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